LMI Student seminar : Intrinsic Calibration of Molecular Alignment Using Rotational Echoes


The speakers:  Dina Rosenberg - School of Chemistry, Tel-Aviv University ,(Prof. Sharly Fleischer’s Lab)

                           Leon Bello, BINA Center for nanotechnology and the Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University ,(Prof. Avi Pe'er's group)


02 June 2021, 13:00 
Rosenblatt auditorium, Software Engineering building, Engineering faculty, Tel Aviv University 
 Computer generated holograms of three-dimensional objects based on analytical polygonal mesh model

The seminar will be held in a hybrid format :

Light refreshments and drinks will be served at 12:30 - Rosenblatt auditorium, Software Engineering building, Engineering faculty.

zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81873955899

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