Department Seminar of Dr. Eran Ben David

Mechanical design for the aerospace and defense sector

20 October 2021, 14:00 - 15:00 
בניין וולפסון חדר 206 
Department Seminar of Dr. Eran Ben David

Mechanical design for the aerospace and defense sector: technological challenges and opportunities  in the upcoming decade - Dr. Eran Ben David – Head of the Mechanics Center


The current world of mechanical design offers highly advanced tools and technologies. These abilities were made possible due to tremendous advances in theory, computing power, rapid information transfer and novel technologies developed prompting the 4th industrial revolution.


Advanced simulation tools, CAD systems with embedded advanced design and simulation features combined with novel technologies such as Additive Manufacturing (AM) make it possible to design complex and unique mechanical components never available before. These new possibilities allow frequent breakthroughs in product development and design. Components and sub-systems could be designed and optimized for diverse requirements with different constraints implementing rapid R&D cycles.


Nevertheless, these new abilities challenge the aerospace and defense sectors in a variety of topics:

  • The requirement for ultra-high product reliability critical products vs. novel, yet to be proven technologies.
  • Implementation of new design paradigms – free from many technological constraints but requiring different design approaches.
  • The rapid advance in production infrastructure: thus the need for frequent process development and certification vs. small quantity long term lifecycle of aerospace and defense products.
  • High market competitiveness – small and medium size companies are able to offer an end-to-end R&D, engineering and production cycle with relatively low investments.


The seminar will present our vision in the world of mechanical design for the aerospace and defense sector in the upcoming decade, taking the advantages of these exceptional opportunities and coping with the upcoming challenges.

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