B.Sc. in Digital Sciences for Hi-Tech

A New Groundbreaking Academic Program

B.Sc. in Digital Sciences for Hi-Tech

The Hi-Tech industry in Israel is considered to be one of the leading industries in the world, but this "Start-Up Nation" is running out of its most important asset – Manpower. The ever growing demand for Hi-Tech workers exceeds the supply by far.

Therefore the Faculty of Engineering has constructed a new and innovative program, designated to increase high-quality manpower for the industry.


In our vision, outstanding LL.B. graduates will learn to navigate deep waters of Deep Learning, and inquisitors Philosophers will get familiar with the mind-changing area of Big Data. The new type of Hi-Tech worker that this program will yield plans to be unique in terms of multidisciplinary skills and multi-dimensional way of thinking. In particular it is adequate to the type of learning that young generation students are looking for – focus, short, multidisciplinary and state of the art.   


The program is built in a unique way which allows us to offer it to three different target audiences: New students in a 3-year long double-major track; Students who wish to change one of their majors; Graduates who wish to peruse a B.Sc. in 3 semesters, all while maintaining the usual high standards of the admission requirements of the Faculty of Engineering. Thus, the addressable audience for this new program will increase the number of students in the Faculty without lowering the quality of the students.


The program was approved on August 2018 by the Council for Higher Education and got a very strong tailwind from the Ministry of Education and Senior members of the Israeli Hi-Tech Industry.

Three cycles have already started and first students are expected to graduate as early as January 2021.

For More Information

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