Research areas School of Mechanical Engineering
- Structures, Structure Analysis, Structure Design, Structure Control.
Combined Engineering, Kinematics, Design, Graph Theory.
MEMS, Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems, Waves, Coupled Problems.
Computational Systems Laboratory
Engineering design, Productdevelopment, Computer-Aided design, Concurrent engineering, Systemsengineering, Knowledge management, Artificial Intelligence
Robotics, Mechatronics, Computerized
Sight, Computerized Vision, Neural Networks, Control, Genetic Algorithms, Watercraft, Structural Analysis.
Micro-Systems, Micro-Robots, Bio-Medical Instruments, Medical Robotics, Micro Sensors, Micro Actuators, Micro Fluidics,
- Complex systems, innovative simulation-based tools, smart/futuristic/autonomous transportation, transportation and sustainability, equity in transportation and the environment, behavior modelling
Future Mobility Lab
Dr. Bat-hen Nahmias-Biran