Research Fields - Systems

Electronic computing devices (namely computers) are arguably one of the most important technological breakthroughs of the twentieth century, starting with theoretical work in the 1930’s. The constant progress in this area comes from constant improvement in the technology to implement computers, and from developing new ways to exploit technology. As computer systems are increasingly becoming a central ingredient in the modern world, various new problems keep coming up, be it due to new capabilities or to new demands. In the Computers Research Group we try to answer some of these questions and possibly pose new ones. More specifically, we are studying questions related to the construction of new systems, and algorithms in various settings.  
These include: 

  • Computer architecture, microarchitecture, virtual machines, multicore, multithreading, memory systems 

  • Classical algorithms, solving various practical problems with guaranteed performance in the worst-case 

  • Modern algorithms, including randomized algorithms and on-line algorithms 

  • Algorithms used in communication systems 

  • Study of the Internet 

  • Design and analysis of distributed and parallel systems 

  • Security and privacy in computer systems 

  • Design and analysis of cryptographic tools 

Researcher Website/Laboratory Site Research Topics
Prof. Guy Even


Laboratory Site

Computer arithmetic, approximation algorithms, online algorithms, decoding of error correcting codes. Frequncy assignment in Wirless networks.
Dr. Shay Solomon Website Algorithms and data structures, algorithms for dynamic networks, distributed computing
Prof. Avishai Wool Website Computer, network, and wireless security, smartcard and RFID systems, Firewall technology, and side-channel cryptanalysis
Prof. Shlomo Weiss Website Multicore clusters, 3D IC, hardware accelerators, massively parallel processors, embedded systems, low power design
Prof. Simon Litsyn Website Error-correcting coding, digital communication
Prof. Gideon Langholz    
Prof. Michael Margaliot Website Stability analysis of switched systems and differential inclusions, optimal control theory, systems biology, mathematical modeling of mRNA translation, Boolean control networks, contraction theory.
Prof. Boaz Patt-Shamir

Laboratory Site

Distributed computing, communication networks, parallel algorithms, protocols, recommender systems, collaborative filtering, theory
Prof. Dana Ron-Goldreich

Laboratory Site

Sub-linear algorithms, property testing, randomized approximation algorithms.
Prof. Benny Applebaum

Laboratory Site

Cryptography, computer security, computational complexity, random constraint satisfaction problems.
Prof. Itzhak Tamo Website Storage systems and devices, Coding theory, Computer systems design and fault tolerance
Prof. Yuval Bistritz Website Computer algebra and symbolic computation
Prof. Yuval Shavitt Website Mapping of the Internet, Internet measurements,algorithms for big data, QoS, peer-to-peer networks, routing in ad-hoc networks, TCP protocol, decentralized algorithms, location problems
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