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Ph.D. student Shay Elmalem has won the OSA student grand challenge of the "optical system of the future"

10 February 2019
OSA student grand challenge

The 2018 OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress (AIO/IS) concluded in Orlando, Florida where imaging technologies are embraced throughout the area from its theme parks to the local industry. With 625 attendees and 160 presentations, attendees converged from around the world to share knowledge and research across the diverse industry of optical imaging.


Student Grand Challenge: The Optical Systems of the Future
OSA student members and their advisors were invited to submit ideas for either a novel passive or active optical system. Four finalists were chosen to attend the OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress. Supported by Lockheed Martin, the award was given to Shay Elmalem from Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

Shay Elmalem presenting his poster at the challenge.


Credit should also go to Eyal Gil-Ad, Harel Haim, and Alex M. Bronstein who were also part of this effort. 


You may find the report of the award here:

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