A full cost perspective on urban traffic
Daniel Schröder, PhD student, TU Munic
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Since years, cars have been the center of full cost analyses in the transportation sector. This is due to the fact that most car users are not aware of the external as well as internal costs of their behavior. Although transport full costs are known to be substantial, their estimates are uncertain, especially when comparing modes. We will present a comprehensive approach to assess the external and internal costs of various modes of transportation, including public transport, motorized individual transport, sharing services, and active mobility. The methodology covers multiple external cost categories, namely air pollution, climate, noise, land use, congestion, accidents and barrier costs, as well as the health benefits of active mobility. We will also introduce methods for internal cost calculations including TCO (total-cost-of-ownership) and service prices. The city of Munich, Germany, serves as a case study to calculate the total external costs of transportation per year. Furthermore, the presented approach allows the assessment of transport policy scenarios to investigate the impacts of changes in the mobility system, such as modal shifts or electrification. Additionally, we will present most recent results from an ongoing study which is associated with the project “Smart Advisor for Sustainable Integrated Mobility (SASIM) - A full cost perspective on urban transport”. In the project, an interdisciplinary team works on an online routing tool which has the functionality of a full cost calculator. SASIM provides evaluated mobility options for individual travel requests. In addition, scenarios for a holistic, dynamic pricing system based on the full costs of different mobility options are created as a project result. The effectiveness of full-cost-based pricing scenarios on the mode choice of citizens will be evaluated with agent-based simulation tools such as MATSim.
Daniel started his academic career with his Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University in 2011. After a semester abroad at UC Davis and an internship at BMW, he started a Master in Automotive Engineering in 2016. With the Master’s graduation, a new job at FEV Consulting started in 2018. Leaving the consultancy experience behind, Daniel came back to the University and started his PhD at the Institute of Automotive Technologies of TU Munich in 2019. Since then, he joined the research group Smart Mobility and formed the research cluster “MCube – Munich Cluster for Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions” from the concept phase until its initiation. Now he is part of the MCube project “SASIM” and the MCube strategy team, where he is responsible for all entrepreneurship and startup activities in the cluster.
E-Mail: daniel.schroeder@tum.de
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-schr%C3%B6der-028166160/
Institute: https://www.mos.ed.tum.de/en/ftm/members/staff/daniel-schroeder-m-sc/